Hospitality Scheduling

I really try to work out the schedule with some things in mind. For example,

  1. minimum travel distances in January and reasonable travel distances the other months.
  2. dining with maximum number of different folks
  3. no more than twice with any one participant (other than spouses of course)

I’m sure there is a simpler way, but my system as it has evolved is illustrated below.

So, if you see some problem or oversight, please just forgive me and proceed to enjoy.

6 thoughts on “Hospitality Scheduling

  1. Mary Gay Rummel

    You are truly a blessing to our Parish! So happy to see you smiling while doing this project with such devotion. Continued prayers for you as you go through your treatments. Merry Christmas to both you and Karen. Blessings, Mary Gay

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  2. Barb Kogut

    Will miss this wonderful group this year. Haven’t skipped a year since Darryl started the group, except Covid. Moving isn’t the greatest when you leave all your friends behind.


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